• State-of-the-art printing and label factory in Ethiopia

May 15, 2019

Concerning the establishment of educational structures and the enhancement of social and environmental standards in the Ethiopian garment labelling and printing industry.

Beconnected Industrial KFW-DEG, DeveloPPP - safe working environment

On the first of June 2017, we started a partnership with KFW DEG that offers financing, advice, and support to private sector enterprises operating in developing and emerging-market countries. We relied on their expertise on a daily basis: we benefited from their market knowledge, their 19 locations worldwide and their international network.

beconnected-industrial- KFW DEG

Through the DEG project develoPPP.de, we have had the opportunity to even shape further our -endlessly improving- corporate commitment in the long term. DEG assisted us in all phases of the develoPPP.de project by competent and country-specific advice.

beconnected-industrial- develoPPP

During this project, we have been working to improve our worker education, social standards training, environmental standards training, and the collaboration with education partners, local associations and organizations. With great success as a result.

We managed to train 105 workers as multi-skilled operators and provided them with officially recognized certificates. We employed more than 50 multi-skilled operators. Before the end of the project, another 15 trainees were appointed to join the trainings that will take place in the future.

Thirteen workers participated in trainings on social standards twice a year, including first aid trainings and firefighting trainings. In collaboration with EFSEC, we supported the practices with both theoretical and practical workshops. We also managed to qualify 15 Beconnected Industrial workers as experts in environmental standards training which has been certified by ANTEX.

We agreed on a long-term cooperation with Bahir Dar University, Bishoftu College and Wolkite University. We took the opportunity to share our market expertise, sustainability, and workplace safety information with its students and lecturers. During these seminars, we provided our education partners with training plans and materials. No fewer than 17 students from one of our partners conducted a 2-month internship at Beconnected Industrial for their final school project.

This project reflects what we stand for. Our goal is to create a team that is as sustainable as it is able to share expertise with our workers daily in the shortest possible time. As a result, we invest not only in our workers but also in the optimization of the production and quality of our products. It lays the foundation for a progressive development at Beconnected Industrial where every worker feels safe, valued, respected and above all at home.

Beconnected Industrial would like to thank The Federal German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development for funding this project, and DEG for their ongoing finances, advice, and support.

Jason Yang
CEO Beconnected Industrial

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Beconnected Industrial
A3, Huajian Industrial Park, Nifas
Silk Lafto sub City, Woerda 1,
Addis Ababa,
Contact us
Tel +251 (0)114320574